Wednesday, December 05, 2007

NY Hearts IA

Earlier this year I thought it might be fun to begin a subscription to the New York Times on Sunday. When I first bought the newspaper, or as I like to call "My Sunday Experience" I LOVED the travel section...LOVED IT....

So this past Sunday I began the ritual of reading it. I always start with my favorite parts - Travel, The NY Times Magazine, and the business section. It usually takes me all week to finish the Sunday edition. When I picked up the Sunday Travel section I saw a huge mountain, scanned down to the bottom of the last page and saw...can you believe it...DES MOINES!!!

I immediately read the article and was so excited an ran to my roommate and said look at this. He probably couldn't even understand me. I was TOTALLY impressed.

The author of the article is Adam Nagourney, the chief political correspondent. He talks about my favorite t-shirt shop Smash, the fantastic new restaurants - Azeala and Lucca, as well as the Western Gateway park. Mr. Nagourney showed how the spirit of the city has changed. How we have leaped out of the 1980's and 1990's and into the decade we occupy. It is such a great article, everyone should read it!

Des Moines NY Times Article

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