Monday, July 23, 2007

Hiking and Camping at Ledges...

Over the last couple of weeks Kevin and I have been planning some "Camping Adventures." We found an inexpensive tent. Gathered supplies. And finally decided to go camping. This summer has been quite eventful with the Triathlon, Sickness, and Surgery.

We decided to head up to Ledges State Park near Boone, Iowa and do some hiking with our camping. It took us some time find the right highway, but we finally made it to our campsite. Site 45 to be exact. After unpacking our gear we headed out on a long hike. We meandered down trails, over a few creeks, and through some brush. It was great fun.

After our long hike we headed back to the campsite for a rest and then prep for dinner. I had purchased some chicken kababs and other camping food necessities. We started the grill with charcoal. It looked warm, it felt warm, but it wasn't exactly cooking. Kevin and I were STARVING and our patience was waiting. We became a little suspect when after about 2 hours the chicken wasn't completely cooked. We looked at each other, laughed and at the vegetables, which were cooked.

After another short hike near dusk where we discovered the non-modern campsites, that looked much better, there was a small Blair Witch moment. Walking down a nearly dark trail, feeling creepy spider webs we came across a chimney without a house. Very weird.

When we returned to our campsite it was time for bed. We realized this wasn't the best spot because there were too many people singing horrible songs, and chatting all night long. Kevin was totally uncomfortable. I was sleeping like a baby. When I got up to go pee in the middle of the night I noticed a dark object in the passenger seat of my car. I told Kevin I thought someone was sleeping in my car. He handed me the super sized flashlight and I turned it on. It was the shadow of the tree. Crisis adverted.

We had a great time, despite the lack of sleep it was such a great experience. I have included some photos and a video from our trip.


None said...

sounds and looks to have been a good time. I will volunteer my services if you need charcoal grilling lessons. Those park grills can be tricky but I applaud you for not buying and toting a little gas grill around with you. that said, I would probably buy and tote an air conditioner around with me.

Unknown said...

There's no way in hell I would have done that with you. Where's the nearest Hilton?